15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (2024)

In French au revoir means goodbye (formal) and salut means bye (informal). However, there are lots of other informal expressions such as je me casse (I’m outta here!). This post covers 15 formal and slang expressions for goodbye and provides excellent audio.

15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (1)

15 Ways To Say Goodbye In French

1. Au revoir = See you again

Au revoir” is the most common and most formal way of saying goodbye in French. Au revoir literally means “until I see you again” with the “au” meaning “to” and “revoir” meaning “see again”.

au revoir


This page on our site examines au revoir in detail.

15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (2)

2. Salut! = Bye! (Informal)

Salut!” is another very common way of saying goodbye. However, it’s informal and should only be used with people you know know well and kids. It would be very impolite to say “salut” in a business situation or with total strangers.

This lesson examines the word salut in detail and provides pronunciation tips as well as example sentences.



This page on our site covers salut in detail.

15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (3)

3. À la prochaine = See you next time!

À la prochaine” is an expression that translates to “see you next time”. The literal translation of à la prochaine is “to the next” and what it really means is “À la prochaine fois”, with the word fois meaning “time”.

à la prochaine

see you next time

4. À tout à l’heure! See you later!

À tout à l’heure” translates to see you later. But, what’s important to keep in mind is that this expression is used to say “see you later” within the same day.

So, if it were the morning and you were seeing somebody a few hours later in the afternoon, you could say à tout à l’heure! If you were seeing at any time other than on the same day, you would not use this expression.

à tout à l’heure

see you later

5. À plus tard! = See you later!

À plus tard” is another way of saying see you later! Unlike the previous expression you can use this to say “see you later” for the same day or another day or time in the future.

à plus tard

see you later

15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (4)

6. À tout de suite! See you right away!

À tout de suite” means “see you soon” but what it really implies is “see you right away”. For example, if somebody calls you to tell you they’ll arrive in five minutes you can tell them, À tout de suite!

à tout de suite

see you soon

7. Adieu! Goodbye!

Adieu” means goodbye but it has a rather serious connotation as it implies “goodbye forever”. It’s used most often when somebody passes away. Adieu” is almost never used as a way to say goodbye conversational French.



8. Ciao! Bye!

Ciao!” comes from Italian and means bye. It’s very informal and used mainly between friends and people you already know very well. Ciao is very common and equates to “salut!” for saying goodbye.



15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (5)

9. Bon, Je te laisse! Well, I’m off!

Bon, Je te laisse!” is an expression which translates literally to “good, I leave you!”. Another translation is “Well, I’m off”. You can use this expression at the end of a conversation or spending some time with somebody. You can also use this expression at the end of telephone conversations. The formal version of this expression is “Je vous laisse”.

bon, je te laisse

Well, I’m off.

10. À demain! See you tomorrow!

À demain!” means see you tomorrow. The “À” here means see you and “demain” means tomorrow. Hence, “à demain” means “see you tomorrow!”

à demain

see you tomorrow

15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (6)

11. À + day of week!

À plus any day of the week means see you on that given day. “À dimanche!” means “see you on Sunday!”

à dimanche

See you Sunday.

  • À lundi! See you Monday!
  • À mardi! See you Tuesday!
  • À mercredi! See you Wednesday!
  • À jeudi! See you Thursday!
  • À vendredi! See you Friday!
  • À samedi! See you Saturday!
  • À dimanche! See you Sunday!

This page on our site covers days of the week in French.

12. Je m’en vais! I’m outta here!

Je m’en vais!” translates to “I’m off” or “I’m leaving is what you’d say when leaving a group of people after you’ve been with them for a while.

The infinitive, “s’en aller” means to be off. This page covers the conjugation of aller (to go) in detail.

je m’en vais

I’m off / I’m leaving

13. Je me casse! I’m outta here!

Je me casse!” is slang and is the more informal version of “je m’en vais”. This phrase translates to “I’m outta here!”. The verb casser means “to break”. “Se casser” as a reflexive verb means “to be off” or “to be out of here”.

je me casse

I’m outta here!

14. Bonne continuation!

The expression “bonne continuation!” is used when you’ve known somebody for a given period of time and you’re now parting ways.

You use this to express best wishes in the other person’s future endeavors. According to WordReference, “bonne condinuation” translates to “keep it up. Another loose translation is “good luck you your future”.

bonne continuation

Good luck in your future.

15. Bonjour! Good-bye in French Canadian

It might seem strange to see “bonjour” on this list here because it means hello. However, in Québec and other French-speaking regions of Canada you can use “bonjour” at the end of a conversation to wish somebody a good day.

goodbye (French Canadian)

This page covers “bonjour” in detail.

Goodbye in French – Summary table

FrenchEnglishUsage & notes
Au revoirGoodbyeFormal way of saying good-bye. Do not pronounce the "re". Pronunciation: Oh wvahr.
Salut!Bye!Informal for friends, close acquaintances and kids. Do not use in formal situations.
À la prochaineSee you next time!Expression used at end of conversations and when parting ways.
À tout à l'heure!See you later!Use this expression when you'll see the other person again on the same day.
À plus tard!See you later!Informal expression. Can be used when seeing the other person on the same day or a different day.

Discover more:

  • French Greetings
  • Au Revoir: Goodbye In French
  • Bonjour – Hello in French
  • Salut meaning and usage
15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (7)

As a language enthusiast and expert, I'm well-versed in various linguistic nuances, including the intricacies of French expressions. My depth of knowledge extends to not only the formalities but also the informal and slang expressions used in daily conversations. Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article you provided:

  1. Au Revoir:

    • Meaning: Goodbye (Formal)
    • Literal Translation: Until I see you again
    • Usage: Most common and formal way to say goodbye in French.
  2. Salut:

    • Meaning: Bye (Informal)
    • Usage: Common informal farewell, suitable for friends and acquaintances, but not in formal or business settings.
  3. À la Prochaine:

    • Meaning: See you next time!
    • Literal Translation: To the next (time)
    • Usage: Used when parting ways, indicating the intention to meet again.
  4. À Tout à l'Heure:

    • Meaning: See you later!
    • Usage: Used to bid farewell when planning to meet again later on the same day.
  5. À Plus Tard:

    • Meaning: See you later!
    • Usage: Similar to "À tout à l'heure," but can be used for meetings on the same or different days.
  6. À Tout de Suite:

    • Meaning: See you right away!
    • Usage: Implies a quick or immediate reunion, often used when someone is expected shortly.
  7. Adieu:

    • Meaning: Goodbye
    • Usage: Carries a more serious connotation, often used to imply a farewell forever, especially in the context of someone passing away.
  8. Ciao:

    • Meaning: Bye
    • Usage: Informal and borrowed from Italian, commonly used between friends and people familiar with each other.
  9. Bon, Je Te Laisse:

    • Meaning: Well, I'm off!
    • Usage: Used at the end of a conversation or when leaving someone, can be used formally as "Je vous laisse."
  10. À Demain:

    • Meaning: See you tomorrow!
    • Usage: Expresses the intention to meet again the next day.
  11. À + Day of Week:

    • Meaning: See you on that given day.
    • Usage: Specifies the day of the week for the next meeting.
  12. Je M'en Vais:

    • Meaning: I'm outta here!
    • Usage: Used when leaving a group after spending some time with them.
  13. Je Me Casse:

    • Meaning: I'm outta here! (Slang)
    • Usage: Informal and slang version of "Je m'en vais," indicating a more casual departure.
  14. Bonne Continuation:

    • Meaning: Good luck in your future.
    • Usage: Used when parting ways to express best wishes for the other person's future endeavors.
  15. Bonjour (French Canadian):

    • Meaning: Goodbye in French Canadian
    • Usage: Used at the end of a conversation in Quebec and other French-speaking regions of Canada to wish someone a good day.

This comprehensive overview covers both formal and informal ways to bid farewell in French, providing readers with a diverse range of expressions for various situations.

15 Formal & Slang Ways To Say Goodbye In French (2024)
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