Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (2024)

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My favorite chocolate cake recipe filled with cream cheese frosting and an outside layer of chocolate buttercream with cute little Oreo Turkeys that make this cake perfect for Thanksgiving!

You’ll also love my Chocolate Chess Pie for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (1)

I feel like I’ve been baking pumpkin and fall and cinnamon apples for months and months now, and I still haven’t shared all the Fall recipes that have been rattling around in my brain! Somehow there’s never enough time.

Of course, these days, the concept of “enough time” is a sort of abstract, ethereal unicorn of an idea that I’m not sure ever actually exists. I feel like each day I wake up, I work out, and I– BOOM! It’s 4:00 and it’s carpool and dinner prep and did you do your homework and do your homework now and wait until your dad hears about this and dishes (so many dishes) and bath and bed and then I’m passed out on the couch and please don’t come near me until 9am tomorrow morning even though I actually have to wake up at the crack of dawn but maybe just let me die instead.

Does anybody else’s day work like that? You’re nodding your head, right? Right?!

Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (2)

Anyway. In all the madness of normal life lately, I decided that I really wanted to make this Oreo Turkey Cake. Because we’re not all pie people, you know?

I mean. I am. And I think all normal sane human beings are. But I hear stories of people who don’t like pie. So going on the slim possibility that might actually be true… I thought a Thanksgiving cake was in order.

And what a cake it is! Isn’t she a beaut??

Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (3)

And you guys– this cake is really super easy. I can’t even begin to tell you what a rush I was in the day I made this cake. I had people coming over for dinner in less than an hour, the sun was basically down (which meant I was desperately trying to finish the cake so I could take photos in daylight so I could serve the cake to my dinner guests), and the dishes and frosting wereflying around in my kitchen like nobody’s business. It was cray-cray y’all.

But look! It’s still so cute. The moral of the story is– if I can do it when my day is a complete mess, you totally can too. This cake is easy peasy!

Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (4)

My favorite part of the cake? Here’s a hint: it’snot the turkeys.

It’s that creamy, delicious cream cheese filling! I could eat that with a spoon you guys. And okay, yeah, fine, I did. Also– you are not going to find a more delicious, moist chocolate cake. This is the real deal, folks.

So HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all you pie-hating freaks peeps out there. Enjoy your cake!

Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (5)

Oreo Turkey Thanksgiving Cake

My favorite chocolate cake recipe filled with cream cheese frosting and an outside layer of chocolate buttercream with cute little Oreo Turkeys that make this cake perfect for Thanksgiving!


  • 1 chocolate cake, baked in 2 round cake tins and cooled
  • 1 recipe cream cheese frosting
  • 1 recipe chocolate buttercream
  • Chocolate sprinkles
  • 11 Oreo cookies
  • candy corn for the feathers
  • candy eyes
  • candy coated sunflower seeds (or similarly shaped sprinkles) for the beak and feet


Assemble the cake by spreading a thick layer of cream cheese frosting between the two layers of chocolate cake.

Frost the outside of the cake with the chocolate buttercream and add chocolate sprinkles to the bottom half if desired (I cup the sprinkles in my hand and gently press them to the side of the cake immediately after frosting).

You can pipe around the perimeter of the top of the cake like I did if you want, but most importantly pipe a large "pile" of frosting in the very center of the cake to prop up three turkeys.

Place 8 Oreo cookies around the outside of the cake, securing them with buttercream. Pipe and arc of buttercream over the top half of each oreo, and stick the candy corn in the buttercream to look like tail feathers.

Pipe three dots of buttercream in the center of each oreo to "glue" on the eyes and beak. Adhere feet in the same way.

Repeat the construction of three turkeys on top of the cake, propped against the mound of frosting in the middle.

You can store this cake at room temp or in the fridge.

Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (6)

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Thanksgiving Oreo Cake Recipe (2024)


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How many cups of crushed Oreos are in one package? ›

Thirty-six Oreos weigh 14.3 oz (405 g). Crushed, that is about 3 cups.

How many Oreos are in a pack? ›

A standard 14.3-ounce package of regular Oreo cookies contains 36 cookies. The larger 19.1-ounce family-size package contains 48 cookies.

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Sugar, wheat flour , vegetable oil (contains antioxidant tertiary butylhydroquinone), cocoa powder, fructose syrup, glucose syrup, sorbitol, dextrose, egg powder , humectant (glycerin), raising agent (sodium bicarbonate and ammonium bicarbonate), salt, corn starch, emulsifier (vegetable phosphate), monocalcium ...

Are Oreo cakes discontinued? ›

Introduced in 2007, Oreo Cakesters were discontinued five years later, in 2012. At the time, Mondelez International, Inc. did not give a reason for pulling the plug on the product. Now, the product is returning, and with a new flavor.

What ingredients are in birthday cake flavor? ›

Birthday cake flavoring typically consists of a combination of artificial or natural flavors designed to mimic the taste of a classic birthday cake. These flavors often include vanilla, butter, sugar, and sometimes hints of almond or other flavorings to recreate the rich and sweet taste associated with bir...

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This OREO Celebrations cookie gift set includes beautifully decorated OREOiD white chocolate covered snack cookies coated in sprinkles. These chocolate wafer cookies with chocolate fudge and crème are then completed with a fun and sweet graphic.

Are birthday cake Oreos vegan? ›

Any fudge-covered Oreo is not vegan, as the chocolate coating contains dairy. Oreo Cakesters are also not vegan.

What is Oreo ice cream cake made of? ›

This quick and easy Oreo ice cream cake is the ultimate dessert! This homemade dessert features layers of crushed Oreos, ice cream, hot fudge and whipped cream. It has a distinct cookies and cream flavor. Perfect for any occasion!

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.