Thermomix Honey Nougat Log - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2024)

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Well it's a leap year so therefore an epic recipe is in order. This Thermomix honey nougat log is, oh so worth the effort! It has taken me ages to find the right recipe - nougat is a fiddly thing to work with! So when I came across a recipe from Adriana Angius recipe on Thermomix Recipes I thought right I will give this a go! So I go to the cupboard - mmmmmm no hazelnuts, but I have peanuts - no wafers, but I have coconut and some white chocolate! White chocolate is a good addition as it keeps the nougat a little chewy.

So I decided to have a play to see what I could come up with. That's how recipes are created aren't they? Throw it all in and see what happens?!

I was really pleased with the result! But the funny thing was I had a friend here to taste test it, and she said "Oh I guess you're going to dip that in chocolate!" Well she could've knocked me over! Why didn't I think of that?! So of course that's what I did! After many taste tests I present to you the Thermomix Honey Nougat Log! ENJOY!

Thermomix Honey Nougat Log - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (1)

Nougat Honey Log - ThermoFun

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Thermomix Honey Nougat Log - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2)



    • 60g white chocolate melts
    • 50g coconut, shredded
    • 150g peanuts, unsalted
    • 1 egg white
    • 400g good quality honey

    Tempered Chocolate

    • 300g milk or dark chocolate melts, divided


    1. Place white chocolate into TM bowl and grate 10 sec / speed 9. Set aside.
    2. Weigh peanuts and coconut and set aside.
    3. In a clean and dry TM bowl insert Butterfly. Add egg white and mix 10 sec / speed 2.
    4. Add honey and cook 60 mins / 100°C / speed 2 / MC off.
    5. While honey is cooking, place coconut and peanuts into a frying pan and dry roast until golden. Set aside.
    6. Tear two sheets of baking paper approx. 40cm in length and place one on a flat tray that can fit in the fridge.

    For the following you need to work quickly!

    1. Once honey and egg white mixture has completed cooking, remove butterfly.
    2. Add white chocolate, coconut and peanuts and combine 4 sec / speed 3. Finish combining with a spatula if required.
    3. Work quickly due to the speed of it setting and with aid of spatula, pour nougat onto prepared baking paper. Aim for a rectangular shape. Place second baking paper sheet on top of nougat and with hands/MC, flatten nougat between the baking paper to approx. 1 - 1.5cm, keeping a rectangular shape.
    4. Refrigerate 1 hour min to set.
    5. Rinse and dry thoroughly TM bowl in preparation for tempering chocolate. See Notes below.
    6. Leaving baking paper on nougat, use a long, sharp knife and cut into 1.5cm wide strips. Cut strips into desired lengths and remove all baking paper.
    7. Thermomix Honey Nougat Log - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (3)

    Tempered Chocolate

    1. In a clean, dry TM bowl place 50g into bowl and grate 10 sec / speed 9. Set aside.
    2. Place 250g chocolate into TM bowl and grate 10 sec / speed 9.
    3. Melt chocolate already in TM bowl 3 mins / 50°C / speed 2.
    4. Add set aside 50g chocolate and mix 2 mins / speed 2 (no temp selected).
    5. Line a container that can fit in the fridge.
    6. Heat chocolate another 2 mins / 37°C / speed 2.
    7. Pour chocolate into a shallow microwave safe container.
    8. Thermomix Honey Nougat Log - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (4)
    9. Using a fork, dip each nougat log into chocolate, gently tapping off the excess before placing in lined container. If the chocolate begins to cool and lose its fluidity, microwave 10 sec and recommence until all are coated.
    10. Allow to set in fridge.


    Tempering chocolate makes the chocolate shiny.

    To clean nougat from TM bowl: the bowl and butterfly will be very sticky!
    Flick extra mixture off blade 5 sec / speed 10 and remove nougat with aid of spatula.

    Insert butterfly

    Boil kettle and fill bowl with 1 litre hot water and a squirt of dishwashing liquid and mix 10 sec / speed 4.

    Do not go over speed 4 with butterfly in TM bowl


    To clean chocolate from TM bowl:
    Pour a glass of milk in TM bowl and mix 5 sec / speed 8.
    Heat milk 5 mins / 80°C / speed 4.
    Enjoy warm chocolate milk. No wasted chocolate!

    ©2024 Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer: Design, photography and text copyright © ThermoFun 2014-2021. Tips and tricks within are the work of the author or nominated parties who have no association with Vorwerk or Thermomix in Australia and therefore are not official, or have the approval of Vorwerk or Thermomix in Australia. None of the recipes that appear here are tested or approved by Thermomix Australia or Vorwerk. Any thoughts expressed on this site are the authors own and are not sponsored by products unless clearly stated. Any nutritional values published on this website are general indications only, for more definitive stats use the panels provided on your products.

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    If you have enjoyed this recipe then please consider leaving a comment. It’s always refreshing to see comments from people that have tried a recipe and found it a success or tweaked it to suit.

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    Reader Interactions


    1. Claire says

      OMG..... Honey Nougat Logs are my favourite, so my delight to be able to make it myself is immense!
      I have made it and gifted in my Christmas Hampers this year and everyone has raved about it!
      Thank you thank you thank you!!! Although I'm limiting myself to 2 squares a day or my waistline won't be thanking anyone 🤣


      • thermofun says

        Claire be rest assured all my ThermoFUN recipes are calorie free! Well we can keep wishing anyway! ;)
        I'm really happy to hear you and your friends enjoyed it.
        Best wishes to you and yours for 2024!


    2. Bridget says

      OMG Just finished making it and cleaning up.... This is the food of the devil. Super amazing nougat. Can't wait to make it again with a variation to the recipe and maybe put in some dried apricots and cashews or even coarse coffee beans


    3. Rachael says

      How long does it keep for?


      • thermofun says

        Hi Rachael, well if I am any where near it - not long at all!! lol! But I'd say a good few weeks at least. :)


    4. Juliette says

      I'm trying to figure out the transition to standard measurements ( in The US ) and dying to try this recipe, don't want to mess it up... and what does TM bowl mean??
      Thank you for any help.


      • thermofun says

        Juliette this recipe is for use in a Thermomix. So a TM bowl refers to a Thermomix bowl. I'm sorry I haven't converted the measurements for USA but Google is great at this! :)


    5. Sarah says

      Do you have any tips on how I could use white choc instead of the milk or dark on the outside? I'm allergic to the caffeine found in chocolate, but the white usually doesn't have any :)


      • thermofun says

        Hi Sarah, apologies for the delay. I would follow the recipe exactly and just swap the milk or dark choc for the white choc. Just be mindful that when melting white chocolate the TM bowl needs to be perfectly dry as even a drop of water can make the chocolate seize. Enjoy! :)


    6. Amanda says

      So so easy and so yummy! Thanks for another awesome recipe! :)


      • thermofun says

        Thanks Amanda yes I must say very delicious and rather addictive! :)


    7. Leonie Hemelaar says

      Looks great - I want to know how you got those fancy ridges on top of each bar???


      • thermofun says

        They are the wire rack that they dripped on Leonie.


    8. Gina says

      Leonie ... what a fabulous recipe ... thank you for all your efforts xo Gina


      • thermofun says

        Thank you Gina :)


    9. Anne Denise says

      Wow! Do you have a turkish delight recipe?


      • thermofun says

        Work in progress Anne! Recipe just needs a little more work! :)


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    Thermomix Honey Nougat Log - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2024)
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